Samenwerkingsraad EU-Moldavië (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Oostenrijks Voorzitterschap Europese Unie 1e helft 2006 i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 11 april 2006.

Foreign Minister Ursula Plassnik at the EU-Moldova Cooperation Council

Foreign Minister Plassnik chaired the meeting of the EU-Moldova Cooperation Council on Tuesday, which took place in the margins of the General Affairs and External Relations Council. "Moldova is a close neighbour and partner in the European family. We are steadily increasing our cooperation to promote the values we share."

She referred to the progress in many areas over the past year. The action plan under the European neighbourhood policy entered into force at the beginning of 2005. In addition, a European Commission Representation was opened in Chisinau and the EU border assistance mission launched on the Moldovan-Ukrainian border. Another important step had been the involvement of the EU in the talks to solve the Transnistria conflict.

Plassnik welcomed the first steps towards macroeconomic consolidation in Moldova. At the same time, she stressed that the EU expected further efforts to be made, particularly in the area of fundamental freedoms and human rights, rule of law and the fight against corruption. "The EU will continue to support Moldova to the best of its ability in implementing the European neighbourhood policy action plan. We urge Moldova to continue its reform efforts. Strengthening the rule of law is particularly important, both for the people of Moldova and for investors from the EU."

With regard to Moldova's wish for a closer link with the EU and possible accession, she stressed that the EU was aware of Moldova's ambitions regarding EU membership. "Dealing responsibly with expectations is a mark of good neighbourliness and friendship. We are convinced the European neighbourhood policy is the appropriate framework in which to develop our relations. The action plan that entered into force one year ago still has a great deal of potential. We are at the beginning of a long road, which also poses great challenges to Moldova", Plassnik continued.

An agreement between the European Community and Moldova on air transport services was also signed in the margins of the Cooperation Council. According to Minister Plassnik "this agreement, which will facilitate air transport between the EU and Moldova, adds a further dimension to our cooperation".