EU-voorzitter Oostenrijk bespreekt relaties met Albanië (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Oostenrijks Voorzitterschap Europese Unie 1e helft 2006 i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 21 maart 2006.

State Secretary Hans Winkler at the meeting of the Foreign Ministers EU Troika - Albania in Brussels

State Secretary Hans Winkler today chaired the meeting of the EU Troika - Albania on behalf of Foreign Minister Ursula Plassnik. The subject of the discussions was EU relations with Albania and the EU perspective of the other countries in the Western Balkans. Internal political developments in Albania were also on the agenda.

"For the Austrian Presidency, stabilising and bringing the Western Balkans closer to the EU is one of the priorities of our work programme. We have already been able to demonstrate this to our colleagues on several occasions. Today's meeting of the Troika with Albania is another good opportunity to address important issues frankly and to map out the further course of our work together", Winkler said.

"The introduction and application of reforms and constant progress is not something the EU demands only of other countries. The EU itself must engage in a continuing process of modernisation, in order to be able to accomplish the tasks and fulfil the obligations incumbent upon it ", Winkler stressed. "However, this does not stop us from fulfilling existing obligations".

"2006 is also an important year for Albania in drawing closer to the EU", State Secretary Winkler said. Negotiations between the EU and Albania on a stabilisation and association agreement started at the beginning of 2003. With Albania having carried out numerous reforms and having held parliamentary elections in July last year, which were conducted according to largely international standards, the negotiations have now been successfully concluded. "This development is a positive step in the right direction. However, there is no time to rest on one's laurels. The battle against corruption and cross-border crime, the further implementation of reforms and the improvement of the political climate in Albania are challenges which Albania must continue to address and which brook no delay", he said.

Winkler also highlighted Albania's role in the region: "Albania is playing a positive and constructive role in the Western Balkans. The fostering of a constructive atmosphere of regional cooperation, particularly now in light of the Kosovo status negotiations, is without doubt particularly important. European standards and values are the basis for every decision and the foundation for a multi-ethnic and democratic society. Our action must be geared to creating security and stability in the region. We cannot and will not accept unilateral steps or the use of violence", Winkler stressed, and encouraged Albania, for its part, to take the necessary steps and measures to this end.


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