[autom.vertaling] Leden van het Europese Parlement keuren rechten van de mensresoluties over Transnistria, Straffeloosheid in Afrika en de situatie in Kazachstan goed (en)

donderdag 16 maart 2006

Mensenrechten - 16-03-2006 - 05:03

As is customary at the end of each Strasbourg plenary session, MEPs adopted three separate resolutions on human rights in the world. This time Parliament focussed on Transnistria, Impunity in Africa and the situation in Kazakhstan.

MEPs strongly condemn Transnistrian regime

Parliament adopted a joint resolution with 77 votes in favour, 1 against, and 0 abstentions strongly condemning the repression, harassment and intimidation of representatives of the independent media, citizens criticising the self-proclaimed Transnistrian authorities, and members of NGOs and of the opposition by the Transnistrian regime. The House condemns the prohibition of funding of NGOs by foreign donors. MEPs deplore the unwillingness of this regime to engage fully in efforts to reach a peaceful and comprehensive solution to the Transnistria conflict. Parliament welcomes, therefore, the extension of the EU visa ban on members of the Transnistrian regime.

MEPs deeply deplore the fact that the self-proclaimed Transnistrian authorities, more than one-and-a-half years after the judgment of the European Court of Human Rights in the case of Ilascu and others was delivered, continue to keep two applicants imprisoned. The House calls on the Moldovan authorities to continue their efforts towards putting an end to the unlawful and arbitrary detention of Mr Andrei Ivantoc and Mr Tudor Petrov-Popa and securing their immediate release. The House strongly urges the Russian authorities to pursue actively all effective avenues capable of putting an end to the unlawful and arbitrary detention of both prisoners and of securing their immediate release. Parliament calls on the Council, the Commission and the Member States to plea for the immediate release of these prisoners.

MEPs are convinced that reforms in Moldova will only be successful when they are carried out with respect for the rule of law and fundamental freedoms. The House urges that all the parties concerned, including members of civil society, work together to foster the further development of the country's democracy.

MEPs call on Russia to immediately stop its support for the Transnistrian regime, to reaffirm its commitment to Moldova's territorial integrity as defined by the Moldovan Constitution and to withdraw its troops, including their heavy weaponry and munitions, unconditionally. The House stresses that the troops, under the decision taken at the 1999 OSCE Summit in Istanbul, should have been withdrawn by the end of 2002. Finally, Parliament calls on the Council to include this item on the agenda of the next EU-Russia summit.

Impunity in Africa and in particular the case of Hissène Habré

In adopting a joint resolution on impunity in Africa and in particular the case of Hissène Habré with 85 votes in favour 0 against with 1 abstention, MEPs recall that without an international criminal court to establish individual responsibility as an enforcement mechanism, acts of genocide and egregious violations of human rights would often go unpunished. The House stresses that it has become customary international law that, irrespective of their status, perpetrators will not enjoy amnesty or immunity for human rights violations, and strongly supports bringing to justice those responsible for crimes and atrocities. MEPs urge Member States of the African Union that have not yet done so to ratify the Rome Statute and to adopt a national action plan for the effective implementation of the Rome Statute at the national level.

The House calls on the African Union to take practical measures which would contribute to regional efforts in the fight against impunity.

MEPs call on Senegal to guarantee a fair trial to Hissène Habré, through his extradition to Belgium if there is not an African alternative, in accordance with the UN Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment. The House calls on the African Union, within the framework of the case against Hissène Habré, to ensure that Senegal respects its international commitments as a State Party to the Convention against Torture.

MEPs call on the Government of Nigeria to act in the continued interests of the Liberian peace process and in support of the rule of law by surrendering Charles Ghankay Taylor forthwith to the jurisdiction of the Special Court for Sierra Leone.

Finally, the House calls on Member States to do whatever they can to ensure that nationals of European countries who have committed crimes or acted as accomplices to crimes in Africa and in developing countries elsewhere are likewise prosecuted and that the victims of such crimes receive compensation.

Situation in Kazakhstan

In adopting a joint resolution on the situation in Kazakhstan, MEPs condemn the murder of Mr Altynbek Sarsenbayev, and extends its condolences to the families of the victims. The House expresses its great concern at the fact that within a time-frame of three months two prominent opposition politicians were killed. MEPs call on the Kazakhstan authorities to carry out the ongoing investigation into the circumstances of the death of Mr Altynbek Sarsenbayev and the two persons who accompanied him in a full, independent and transparent manner.

The House welcomes President Nazarbayev's statement of 21 February condemning the murders and promising severe punishment for those involved. MEPs also welcome the release of Mr Galymzhan Zhakianov from his internal exile. The House condemns the jailing of opposition activists and journalists for five to fifteen days for taking part in the peaceful rally following the death of Mr Altynbek Sarsenbayev. MEPs urge the Kazakhstan government to honour its commitments under the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement, in particular to respect for democracy, the principles of international law and human rights, and to move towards democratisation, guarantees of greater freedom for citizens, and liberalisation.

Parliament calls on the Council and Commission to place the issue of respect for human rights at the core of the next Cooperation Council meeting, linking progress in this field to the further implementation of the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement, and to strengthen the TACIS democracy programmes for Kazakhstan, aiming, in particular, at strengthening and developing democratic institutions, independent media and the fight against corruption. The House calls for the inclusion of these topics on the agenda for the next meeting of the EU-Kazakhstan Parliamentary Cooperation Committee, which is due to take place on 29 and 30 March.

Finally, MEPs stress that respect for the principles of democracy, the rule of law and human rights, as clearly laid down in the Partnership and Co-operation Agreement, is a prerequisite if Kazakhstan is to chair the OSCE as it intends from 2009.


REF.: 20060310IPR06063