Europees Parlement werkt aan imagoverbetering (en)

Met dank overgenomen van EUobserver (EUOBSERVER) i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 3 maart 2006.
Auteur: | By Lisbeth Kirk

European Parliament president Josep Borrell has launched a discussion paper to improve his institution's public image and to tackle MEPs' poor attendance at many debates.

Leaders of the political groups in the parliament are set to discuss the paper at a meeting next Thursday (9 March).

According to the Brussels weekly European Voice, Mr Borrell is "really embarrassed" by the MEPs' poor attendance at many debates. He also complains that parliament's plenary sessions are out of step with events in Europe.

In January, he received a direct complaint from commission president Jose Manuel Barroso i that more commissioners and officials than MEPs were present in the parliament's chamber during his presentation of the 2006 work programme.

Mr Borrell's discussion paper suggests devoting each Wednesday of the monthly four-day sessions in Strasbourg to a main debate.

MEPs' activities outside the EU, such as observer missions to elections or delegations to major international events, are also up for discussion.

They often bear "little relation to current political priorities of the parliament as a whole," Mr Borrell said.

A "balance of resources" between the EU's most strategic relationships and ties with other countries should be taken into account, his discussion paper suggests.

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