Nauwe samenwerking EU en Roemenië over Nabucco-pijpleiding voor aanvoer van gas uit Kaspische Zee (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Oostenrijks Voorzitterschap Europese Unie 1e helft 2006 i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 3 februari 2006.

Bartenstein has working meeting with Romanian Minister of the Economy

Minister for Economics Martin Bartenstein had a meeting with the Romanian Minster of the Economy Ioan-Codrut Seres in Vienna on Friday. The talks centred on Romania's preparations for its imminent accession to the EU and the Nabucco gas pipeline project.

Bartenstein reiterated Austria's interest in seeing Romania accede to the EU on schedule on 1.1.2007. The EU 25 would take their decision on the basis of a monitoring report that the European Commission will present in May this year. Ratification of the Accession Treaty in Austria was likely to be completed in the first half of 2006.

In his talks with Seres, Bartenstein also mentioned Austria's strong interest in speedy completion of the Nabucco project, concerning a gas pipeline from the Caspian region through Turkey, Bulgaria, Romania and Hungary to Austria. The recent supply crisis in connection with the Russian-Ukrainian gas dispute in particular had demonstrated the need for new supply sources and new supply lines. Seres and Bartenstein agreed close cooperation on this important project.