Frattini onderhandelt met 13 landen over visumverplichtingen (en)

zaterdag 14 januari 2006

Today, Vice President Franco Frattini i presented a first report adopted by the Commission on 10 January 2006 on visa waiver reciprocity to the Justice and Home Affairs Council. This report is a key element of the new visa reciprocity mechanism. The Vice President emphasised that "the content of the report is the first confirmation of the success of the new mechanism. The non-reciprocity situation is subject to open debate with third countries concerned and within the EU and the number of non-reciprocity cases has fallen significantly thus ensuring the credibility and efficiency of the common visa policy."

Essentially the report:

  • recalls the content and the effect of the reciprocity mechanism, as well as the procedural steps provided by Regulation EC No 851/2005;
  • explains the notifications concerning the non-reciprocity situations: 18 Member States notified in total 75 cases of non-reciprocity with regard to 13 third countries. The notifications refer to real visa requirements but also to the period of allowed stay - less than 90 days - under a visa waiver (18 cases) or to special entry formalities (4 cases).
  • describes the demarches of the Commission towards third countries and their results.

- For 4 countries (Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Panama and Venezuela) the visa exemption for 90 days is now granted to citizens of all Member States. For Brazil the legal solution is announced (conclusion of a visa waiver agreement with the EU) and needs to be formalised.

- For 4 other third countries (Brunei Darussalam, Malaysia, Singapore and Uruguay) the solution is at sight but the implementation needs to be ensured during the following months.

- For 3 third countries (Australia, Canada, United States) the opening of a dialogue is encouraging but there is no tangible progress for the moment towards visa exemption. The Commission believes that the dialogue must continue in a more result-oriented way. A transparent process with clear benchmarks should be established that leads to a visa waiver for the citizens of all Member States.

In the conclusion of the report the Commission considers that in view of the progress achieved, there is no need, at this stage, to propose any temporary measures (such as the introduction of the visa obligation for the nationals of the third countries concerned). It is necessary to continue the dialogue in a more result oriented way and to pursue the efforts taken in order to ensure that all third countries of the positive list waive the visa requirement for citizens of all Member States.

The Commission will present a new report in July 2006 on the persisting non-reciprocity cases and on the results of its continued dialogue with the third countries concerned. That second report could be accompanied by proposals for temporary measures.
Document available hereafter:

[1] Com (2006) 3 final, 10 janvier 2006