Van der Linden tevreden over Amerikaanse wetswijziging die marteling verbiedt (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Raad van Europa (RvE) i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 16 december 2005.

Strasbourg, 16.12.2005 - The President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), René van der Linden, today warmly welcomed US President Bush's acceptance of the McCain amendment, which will help prevent the possibility of CIA or military personnel engaging in torture or serious ill-treatment.

"The McCain amendment will help ensure that in our joint fight against terrorism, both Europe and the USA respect the same legal standards," said President van der Linden. "Our alliance is based on commitment to the same common values, and would be undermined if there was any doubt over how we interpret or implement our basic principles. I am reassured to see the US authorities moving towards the full respect for these standards on which Europe insists."

President van der Linden had earlier written an open letter to Congress, and now urged US lawmakers to adopt the McCain amendment as part of both defence bills. "Both the Senate and the House of Representatives have given the McCain amendment overwhelming support and the administration itself has been convinced of the necessity of an effective ban on torture. Congress must now complete the process, to ensure that the ban comes into effect and to send a clear and positive signal to America's friends and allies."

The President also invited the US administration to go further. "President Bush should now make sure that his government's policies conform fully with US obligations under international law, by also banning the illegal practices of extraordinary rendition and secret detention, and should ensure US cooperation with the Assembly's enquiry, led by Mr Marty."


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