Raad van Europa adviseert over onafhankelijkheids-referendum in Montenegro, eisen aan kiesregisters in Oekraïne, wetgeving voor gemeenteraadsverkiezingen in Georgië, en de kiescode in Moldavië (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Raad van Europa (RvE) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 14 december 2005.

Strasbourg, 14.12.2005 - Standards applicable to the forthcoming referendum in Montenegro, modalities of electing members of the Verhovna Rada of Ukraine, legislation on the elections of the Municipal Council of Tbilisi as well as participation of women in elections will be discussed by the Venice Commission at its 65th plenary session. The meeting takes place on 16-17 December 2005 at the Scuola Grande di San Giovanni Evangelista in Venice.

At the request of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Venice Commission will discuss standards applicable to the forthcoming referendum in Montenegro. In this context the Commission will exchange views with Mr Ranko Krivokapic, Speaker of the Parliament of Montenegro and with Mr Velizar Kaludjerovic, the representative of the Socialist People's Party of Montenegro. The Opinoin on the standards applicable to the referendum in Montenegro is of particular importance since the European Union has asked the Montenegrin government to comply with the recommendations of the Venice Commission.

Mr Krivokapic is also invited to inform the Commission on constitutional developments in Montenegro.

Draft laws of Ukraine on elections of people's deputies, i.e. members of Verhovna Rada, and on the state register of voters are also on the agenda of the Commission. Mr Iuri Kliuchkovskyi, Representative of the President of Ukraine, is invited to exchange views with the Commission on the electoral legislation and practice in Ukraine. The Commission will also be informed on the situation of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine.

At the request of the Parliament of Georgia the Commission will give its opinion on the draft amendments to the electoral legislation of Georgia concerning the elections of the Municipal Council of Tbilisi.

The amendments to the Electoral Code of Moldova will be discussed on the basis of the joint recommendations of the Venice Commission and OSCE/ODIHR. The Commission is invited to examine the declaration on women's participation in elections prepared by the Council of Democratic Elections (CDE) - a tripartite body of the Council of Europe comprising representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly, the Congress and the Venice Commission. The CDE will meet in Venice on 15 December.

All adopted opinions of the Commission become public after the session and will available on the website of the Commission: www.venice.coe.int.

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The European Commission for Democracy through Law (the Venice Commission) is the Council of Europe's independent advisory body on the constitutional issues.

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