Luxemburg gedaagd voor Hof wegens niet-invoering EU-wetten inzake veiligheid op de weg (en)

woensdag 14 december 2005

The European Commission has decided to refer Luxembourg to the Court of Justice for failure to transpose European legislation on the introduction of a harmonised registration certificate into national law. This legislation helps improve road safety by making it possible to check that drivers are only driving categories of vehicle they are authorised to drive. The harmonisation of registration certificates will also improve the working of the internal market in road transport.

The purpose of the Directive concerned[1] is to harmonise the presentation and content of vehicle registration certificates. The new certificate:

  • will help improve road safety as its content will make it possible to check that drivers are only driving categories of vehicle that their driving licence authorises them to drive;
  • will be more easily understood by officials in other Member States who speak another language;
  • will facilitate the re-entry into service of vehicles previously registered in other Member States and contribute to the proper functioning of the internal market.

Luxembourg did not notify measures transposing this Directive to the Commission by the deadline of 1 June 2004.

[1] Council Directive 1999/37/EC of 29 April 1999 on the registration documents for vehicles.