EU-verklaring over de grensmissie tussen Moldavië en Oekraïne (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Raad van de Europese Unie (Raad) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 1 december 2005, 1:56.

Brussels, 30 November 2005

15178/05 (Presse 334)

European Union's Border Mission to Moldova and Ukraine
- Declaration by the Presidency of the European Union -
Odessa, Ukraine, 30 November 2005

High Representative Javier Solana and Commissioner Benita Ferrero-Waldner today formally launched the European Union's Border Mission to Moldova and Ukraine at an inauguration ceremony in Odessa, Ukraine.

The deployment of the EU Border Mission marks an important step in the development of cooperation between the EU and the Moldovan and Ukrainian authorities in the fight against weapons trafficking, smuggling, organised crime and corruption. The Mission is also part of the EU's ongoing commitment to helping to improve security and stability in the region. In this respect, the EU hopes that the Mission will contribute to wider efforts to find a viable and sustainable solution to the Transnistria conflict.

The Presidency of the European Union is grateful to the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine for their cooperation in the preparation of the Mission and looks forward to their continued support. The Presidency also acknowledges the contributions of EU Member States, the EU Special Representative and his staff, HR Solana and the European Commission, whose efforts have enabled the Mission to be set up so quickly.