Agenda Energieraad: interne markt voor elektriciteit en gas, klimaat, relaties met Rusland en de OPEC (en)

donderdag 1 december 2005

EU energy ministers will meet in Brussels on 1 December, under the Chairmanship of the UK Presidency. The Commission will be represented by Energy Commissioner Andris Piebalgs i. Competition Commissioner Neelie Kroes i will also participate for the point regarding the Internal Energy Market.

Better regulation: implementation and outcomes of the internal market for electricity and natural gas - policy debate

Commissioner Piebalgs will present the Communication adopted by the College on 15 November, with an update on the current situation as regards opening gas and electricity markets, following legislation adopted in 2003. The report identifies that much more needs to be done by Member States one year after the new directives have to be implemented and 18 months before the date proposed for complete liberalisation of gas and electricity markets. In concrete terms the Commission will give Member States one more year to make national electricity and gas markets truly open to regional or Europe-wide competition. At the end of 2006, it will decide which, if any, additional measures are necessary. The Commissioner will also take this opportunity to make a presentation of the main points of the Commission's approach to the call of the Heads of State and Government at Hampton Court for the development of a renewed European Energy Policy, which is to be put forward by the Commission in 2006. (See IP/05/1421 and MEMO/05/427)

At the request of the UK Presidency, Competition Commissioner Neelie Kroes will present the preliminary results of the Commission's sector inquiry into the European gas and electricity markets (see IP/05/1421 and MEMO/05/425). Responses from the energy industry and customers confirm that European energy markets are not yet functioning on a competitive basis. The Commission will continue its inquiry and will also identify adequate remedies. Such remedies may include action against operators under the EC Treaty's bans on restrictive business practices and abuse of dominant market positions, a revision of EU merger rules' provision that large concentrations where all the parties have more than two thirds of their EU turnover within a single Member State are dealt with by that Member State's authorities and not the Commission, and action under the EC Treaty's state aid rules against subsidies that distort competition.

Climate change and sustainable energy: policy debate

Council is expected to adopt Conclusions following a policy debate on climate change, the development of new energy sources and energy efficiency. The Commission Green paper on energy efficiency will serve as the basis for this debate. (see IP/05/774 and MEMO/05/216)

International relations in energy

Presidency and Commission will inform the Council on a number of recent and forthcoming events at international level:

Update on EU-Russia Energy Dialogue and the Permanent Partnership Council (PPC)

The Commission will report on the recent developments in EU-Russia energy relations, in particular the activities of 4 thematic groups (Investment, Trade, Energy efficiency, Infrastructure) as well as the first PPC on Energy held in London on 3 October 2005.. (see IP/05/1218)

EU-OPEC dialogue

Commission will inform Member States about the latest developments in international oil markets and the 2nd EU-OPEC dialogue meeting in Vienna on 2 December 2005.

Energy Community Treaty

On 25th October 2005, the EU and countries of South East Europe signed a historic treaty to boost energy integration. The Commission views this treaty as an important step towards enhancing security of supply and supporting a strategically vital sector.. (See IP/05/1346)

Energy Charter Treaty

The Commission, with the Presidency, will update the Council on the progress in the activities of the Energy Charter.