[autom.vertaling] Leden van het Europese Parlement ruim vrolijk over Bulgaria' s ingang in 2007 (en)

woensdag 23 november 2005

Uitbreiding - 23-11-2005 - 04:11

The Foreign Affairs Committee voted overwhelmingly on Wednesday to support Bulgaria's accession to the EU on 1 January 2007 on condition that it implements reforms in a number of key areas. The vote came one day after Bulgaria's Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister, Ivaylo Kalfin, appeared before the committee to discuss his country's progress with MEPs.

The committee's report on Bulgaria's preparedness for EU membership, which is based on the latest monitoring report of the European Commission, was adopted by 52 votes in favour to 0 votes against, with 6 abstentions.

In its report the committee urges the Bulgarian government to show "increased and visible determination" concerning problematic areas and "to demonstrate in a concrete manner" that action has been taken before April 2006.

MEPs call on the Bulgarian government to step up efforts in the fight against organised crime and are concerned about "the brazen nature of Bulgarian organised criminal elements, their contempt for the law and challenge to the authority of the state". High-level corruption is another issue raised in the report. The committee calls on the Bulgarian government to continue work on its anti-corruption strategy and urges continued reform of the judiciary. The report notes the need for a constitutional amendment that will guarantee clearer division of responsibilities and greater effectiveness in the prosecution and investigation of crime. Other problematic areas remain Roma integration, child welfare, psychiatric care and the agricultural system. Committee members also call on the government to improve all aspects of border control and to make increased efforts in all areas of the internal market. 

MEPs believe Bulgaria remains on course to meet the common objective of membership on 1 January 2007, "by which time she must have fulfilled the conditions laid down in the Treaty of Accession." They emphasise that the accession of the country should depend exclusively on its own merits yet express the hope that the accession of Romania and Bulgaria will take place at the same time.

Meeting with foreign minister

During discussions with the Bulgarian foreign minister on Tuesday, members of the committee broadly praised the work of the new Bulgarian government.

The rapporteur, Geoffrey VAN ORDEN (EPP-ED, UK), said that after his recent visit to Bulgaria he was convinced of the government's "very strong determination to meet the accession requirements". "It is clear that there will be strong action to deliver substantial results before the next report of the European Commission," he said. Poul Nyrup RASMUSSEN (PES, DK) shared this view and said he was very impressed by the work of the Bulgarian government. "We see a very committed government. If you continue with the reform, I will welcome you as member of the Union on 1 January 2007," he commented.

Alexander LAMBSDORFF (ALDE, DE) said his group was also keen for Bulgaria to join the EU in 2007 if the country showed tangible and measurable results.

Mr KALFIN said his government and the European Commission have prepared a "to do list" on the areas in which urgent measures have to be implemented. He stressed that the new Bulgarian government has broad parliamentary support. This is particularly important in the context of possible constitutional amendments that may be needed for the judicial reform. The minister added that there is broad public support for the accession. "The biggest priority of my country now is its European integration", he said.

Questioned about Bulgaria's border controls, Mr. Kalfin assured the committee that the government was working very actively in this field. He confessed that Roma integration was a serious problem but one which the government was working to overcome. " We have a clear idea what my country has to fulfill. Our aim is entry into the EU on 1 January 2007 on the basis of the merits of our country."  


Elmar Brok (EPP-ED, DE)

Procedure: Own-initiative

Plenary vote: December, Strasbourg


REF.: 20051121IPR02639