Conclusies Transportraad: vliegtuigpassagies met een functionele handicap, liberalisering internationaal spoorverkeer, onderhandelingen met VS (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Brits voorzitterschap Europese Unie 2e helft 2005, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 11 oktober 2005.


On 6 October the Secretary of State for Transport, the Rt Hon Alistair Darling MP, chaired the Transport Council in Luxembourg, the first of the two taking place during the United Kingdom Presidency. The Minister of State, Dr Stephen Ladyman MP, occupied the UK national seat.

The Council reached a General Approach on a Regulation concerning the rights of passengers with reduced mobility when travelling by air.

MarThere was an exchange of views on two legislative proposals having a bearing on the issue of market access for international rail services. The first proposal would introduce a substantial measure of liberalisation in the international passenger rail market. The second proposal, known as the `Public Service Obligations' proposal, sets out harmonised rules for the granting of contracts to passenger transport operators, including rail operators, to provide public services. The Council debate, combined with consultation of Member States, will guide future negotiations on the two proposals.

The Transport Commissioner i reported on the state of play on EU-US negotiations and external relations policy with other third countries. The Commissioner reported positively on the prospects for resumption of negotiations with the US.

In the margins of the Council, an aviation agreement with Chile was signed by the Secretary of State and the Chilean Minister, Mr Jaime Estevez.