Conclusies raad concurrentievermogen: betere regelgeving, Reach (en)

woensdag 12 oktober 2005


The Council took note of a progress report from the Presidency on better regulation. Commissioner Verheugen informed the Council about its initiatives in the field of better regulation. Commissioner Verheugen underlined the determination of the Commission to improve regulation in the EU. The Commission has made progress in the following areas: New guidelines for impact assessments (June 2005), screening and withdrawal of Commission proposals (September 2005) and simplification of existing EU legislation (foreseen for 25 October).


With a view to providing political guidance on the Presidency's compromise proposal, the Council had a policy debate on the basis of a questionnaire from the Presidency focusing on key issues relating to the Registration regime. Commissioners Verheugen i and Dimas i stressed the Commission's preparedness to facilitate a balanced compromise in the next Competitiveness Council on 28 and 29 November, following the 1st reading of the European Parliament.



Mr Verheugen informed his colleagues about the launch of a new "European Enterprise Award" to reward outstanding initiatives that support entrepreneurship at regional and local level. The Awards will be publicly launched on 14 November 2005.


Commissioner Verheugen presented the Communication on industrial policy adopted on 5 October 2005. He said that the communication represents a contribution to the achievement of the objective of focussing the new Lisbon partnership growth and employment. It aims at deepening and supplementing the EU framework for industrial policy by focussing on its practical application to individual sectors.


VP Verheugen informed the Council on the main conclusions of the "Third report on life sciences and biotechnology: a strategy for Europe". He underlined the importance of biotechnology in the context of competitiveness.

Climate change and competitiveness

Over lunch ministers informally discussed the issue of climate change and competitiveness. The debate focused on the question "how can we best ensure that the EU is addressing climate change in ways that have the most favorable impact on EU competitiveness. Mr Verheugen highlighted the importance that climate change and industry policy need to be consistent and mutually reinforcing.

Seventh Framework Programme

Ministers continued their discussion of the Commission's proposal for a Seventh Framework Programme, with the main issue being the future structure and status of a European Research Council. Discussions will continue, with a view to reaching a partial general agreement at the next Council meeting.