Eurocommissaris Ferrero-Waldner opent missie voor grensbewaking Moldavië (en)

dinsdag 4 oktober 2005

European Commissioner for External Relations and European Neighbourhood Policy, Benita Ferrero-Waldner i, will make her first bilateral visit to Moldova on 6-7 October.

Her visit will signal the deepening of relations between the EU and Moldova in two important ways:

  • the Commissioner will open a new Delegation of the European Commission to Moldova on 6 October, to be headed by Cesare De Montis, and
  • on 7 October she will sign a Memorandum of Understanding between the European Commission, the Republic of Moldova, and Ukraine paving the way for the launch of an EU Border Assistance Mission.

This mission, comprising of 65 staff, will help prevent cross-border crime, through provision of advice and training to improve the capacity of the Moldovan and Ukrainian border and customs services. It is hoped that improving co-operation between the two countries on border issues can also help create the right climate for settlement of the conflict in Transnistria.

During her visit, Commissioner Ferrero-Waldner will meet leading politicians including the President Voronin, and Prime Minister Tarlev to discuss in particular, progress in implementing Moldova's Action Plan under the European Neighbourhood Policy.

On the eve of her visit, Commissioner Ferrero-Waldner said: "This visit demonstrates that the Neighbourhood Policy is bringing real results. Following endorsement of the Neighbourhood Policy Action Plan in February, the EU and Moldova have taken important steps to strengthen bilateral relations, deepen democratic and economic reform in Moldova and move forward towards a solution of the Transnistrian issue".

She added: "The Border Assistance Mission shows that the Neighbourhood Policy is not only a valuable instrument to spread respect for democracy, rule of law and human rights - it will also help us improve stability and security on Europe's borders, bringing real benefits to Europeans in and outside the EU, by preventing trafficking in people, smuggling of goods and the proliferation of weapons".

The Border Assistance Mission is expected to start operating on 1st December 2005. It has a two year mandate, which can be extended if necessary, and will cost €7 million. The Mission will consist of 50 EU customs officials and border guards mostly seconded from EU Member States, plus a core team of 15.

The Mission will be made up of mobile teams who will offer on-the-job training to Moldovan and Ukrainian officials, reinforcing the capacity of the existing services to carry out effective controls and surveillance, and thus reducing the risk of cross-border criminal activities such as trafficking in persons, smuggling, proliferation of weapons and customs fraud. At a later stage, the EU is ready to supply equipment if necessary. The aim is to build confidence and strengthen cross-border co-operation and the exchange of information between the two countries.

The Mission will operate principally on the Moldova-Ukraine State border. Border co-operation and efforts to seek a solution to the frozen conflict in Transnistria featured in the Action Plans agreed with both countries last year. The launch of the Mission follows a request from Presidents Yushchenko and Voronin in June 2005.

The EU welcomes the recent invitation to join the "5 sided talks" seeking a solution to the Transnistria problem as an observer, and stands ready to support the mediation process.


The Border Assistance Mission will build on the EU's existing contribution to improving border management in the region. Since 2000 a variety of projects have been implemented with Moldova, and Ukraine, worth around €50 million

To support the reform process in Moldova, and implementation of the Neighbourhood Action Plan adopted in February 2005, the Commission has increased the budget for assistance to Moldova to €42 million for the period up to 2006. The Commission has also disbursed this year €9.2 million in food security aid. A further contribution of €1.2 million in food security aid will be disbursed to Moldova before the end of the year.

For more information:

The EU's relations with Moldova at: