Europarlementariër: waarom geen nieuw referendum in Spanje?

Met dank overgenomen van EUobserver (EUOBSERVER) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 26 mei 2005, 18:27.
Auteur: | By Jens-Peter Bonde

EUOBSERVER / COMMENT By Jens-Peter Bonde - Jean-Claude Juncker, the acting president of the Council, has proposed a re-run of all referendums on the constitution resulting in a no. But why shouldn't Spain re-run its referendum?

Why not change the people in favour of 'better' ones - ready to be governed by personalities who know better than the voters?

Why not give people a choice between Yes and Yes please and simply delete the possibility for voting No? It would be more honest. But nor fair.

There is a reason that people who read the proposed Constitution want to return it. It is unreadable. No one will be able to explain who decide what and how. Instead of a complicated constitution we need a very simple basic treaty for cooperation among the democracies of Europe.

50 articles, 20 pages, simple easy-to-understand-and-explain playing rules which can be supported by the vast majority of Europeans and applauded in referendums.

The proposed Constitution is a one-way-street with transfer of powers from the voters to mainly civil servants and ministers behind closed doors in Brussels. There is not one single little competence that would be moved back to the voters from Brussels.

I have been through the whole constitution and produced a list with 111 points where around hundred are different areas and modes for more Brussels elite-rule and less democracy.

Here is a shortened version to show good arguments for returning the proposed Constitution.

The author is co-president of the IND/DEM group in the European Parliament

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