Klaus' standpunt inzake EU-grondwet krijgt veel kritiek in Europees Parlement (en)

Met dank overgenomen van EUobserver (EUOBSERVER) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 20 april 2005, 18:01.
Auteur: | By Lucia Kubosova

BRUSSELS / EUOBSERVER - Prominent MEPs have rebuffed the Czech President's strong stance against the EU Constitution.

Speaking to journalists on Wednesday (20 April), the Parliament's Vice-President Roca Vidal-Quadras (EPP-ED) said he found the statements of Mr Klaus on the new EU Treaty misleading and biased.

Socialist Jo Leinen, who chairs the constiutional committee, commented "It is remarkable that Mr Klaus is the only head of all EU member states in such a strong opposition towards the Constitution".

Mr Leinen said the Czech President was harming the interests of his country by his controversial stance.

"The Czech republic is situated in the heart of Europe and it would be a pity if it was pushed into isolation and the periphery of European politics, because of this eurosceptic and his campaign", said Mr Leinen.

He referred to the most recent initiative by Mr Klaus who had written a prologue to a book arguing against the Constitution and participated in its launching presentation - which had been interpreted by some media as the actual launch of the No campaign in the Czech Republic.

Vaclav Klaus is a well-known critic of the new treaty, pointing out numerous times he is "100 percent against it", while presenting his "ten reasons" for rejecting it. Mr Leinen recently expressed his own counter-arguments with each point from the list for the Czech media.

Mr Klaus's main criticism points to the elements of the Constitution that would lead to creating an EU superstate, while tying the hands of individual member states.

Panic is rising among the federalists

Mr Klaus's spokesman expressed concern over the statements by the MEPs.

"If this is what they mean by a democratic discussion and respect towards opinions of the others, then these persons themselves are harming the EU", he was quoted as saying by the CTK agency.

Jan Zahradil (EPP-ED), leader of the Czech conservative MEPs and member of the ODS party founded by Mr Klaus, also voiced disappointment over his parliamentary colleagues' initiative.

"It is clear that there is a rising panic and hysteria among supporters of the EU Constitution, as it seems its ratification will not be as easy as they have expected", Mr Zahradil told the EUobserver.

"They have linked their personal political ambitions with this document and now they are scared the whole process could be damned."

Mr Zahradil argues there are various elements in the treaty which can be interpreted in different ways, on the basis of different political ideas, so "there is no point in accusing someone of lying while presenting their own interpretation".

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