120.000 Zweden tekenen petitie voor referendum over EU-grondwet (en)
Auteur: | By Lisbeth Kirk
Over 120,000 Swedes have signed a petition calling for a referendum on the European Constitution. It was handed to the government on Tuesday (22 March).
"In my opinion it is a fantastic result and one of the biggest collection of names ever in Sweden", said Peter Eriksson from the Green Party, one of the parties participating in the cross-party campaign, according to Swedish Radio, Ekot.
Mr Eriksson is convinced the campaign will continue and could even build up as other countries decide by referendum on the Constitution.
The Swedish government is, however, unlikely to change its policies and allow direct consultation on the EU charter.
"The government believes, together with the broad majority in the Parliament, that the changes are not so big that a referendum should be held to re-examine the referendum in 1994. It's also about respecting referenda", said the minister of democracy, Jens Orback.
A majority of Swedes voted in favour of joining the EU in a referendum in November 1994, while in another referendum in September 2003 a majority of Swedes rejected the euro.