Tegenstanders EU-grondwet nemen leiding in peilingen, in aanloop naar Frans referendum (en)

Met dank overgenomen van EUobserver (EUOBSERVER) i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 18 maart 2005, 9:38.
Auteur: | By Marit Ruuda

For the first time a poll has shown that a majority of French people are likely to vote against the European Constitution.

The new poll, conducted this week by the CSA Institute, has found that 51 per cent of those questioned are planning to vote against the Constitution and 49 per cent will vote `yes', reports today's Le Parisien.

According to this poll, as much as 53 per cent of French voters are likely to abstain during the referendum, taking place on 29 May.

"If the `no' prevails, France will be in for a political cataclysm", Jacques Delors i, the former Commission President warned last night, according to the Times.

The difficult situation in France has also caused tensions between French President Jacques Chirac and European Commission President José Manuel Barroso i.

Mr Barroso has accused French politicians of spreading euroscepticism ahead of the referendum.

"I have to tell you frankly that I am sometimes amazed by the French debate, with all due respect to French democracy. The debate is to a certain extent biased and skewed", said the president of the Commission yesterday (17 March), according to the FT.

His accusations, however, came after Mr Chirac has repeatedly said that the EU's proposed services directive - aimed at opening the market in services - is unacceptable and needs to be completely re-examined.

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