EU-kritiek op de verkiezingscampagne in Moldavië (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Politiek en Veiligheidscomité (PSC), gepubliceerd op donderdag 3 maart 2005, 10:10.

The European Union recalls its Declaration of 9 February 2005 and stresses the importance of the Moldovan authorities' commitment to shared values for the development of relations between Moldova and the European Union.

The EU welcomes the signing of the action plan at the close of the EU-Moldova Cooperation Council on 22 February 2005, which testifies to the EU's desire to strengthen its relations with Moldova and help it progress along the path to political and economic reforms.

The Cooperation Council on 22 February stressed in particular how important it was for the parliamentary elections on 6 March 2005 to be held in free and fair conditions, a commitment which forms an integral part of the action plan.

In this context, the EU welcomes the timely invitation extended by Moldova to the ODIHR/OSCE. The EU supports the ODIHR/OSCE Election Observation Mission and calls on the OSCE Member States to send short-term observers on this mission. The EU also draws the attention of the Moldovan authorities to the interim reports published by the ODIHR/OSCE Observation Mission.

The EU regrets that coverage of the campaign, especially by the State-owned media serving the entire national territory, remains unfair at this stage and does not offer all the necessary guarantees of impartiality.

It also notes the allegations of intimidation and abuse of power by the police and local administration made by several opposition political parties. It notes with interest the intention of the Moldovan authorities to take steps to remedy this situation and hopes to see these changes in place by the final days of the campaign. The EU reiterates its appeal to the Moldovan authorities to ensure that the candidates of all parties are able to conduct their campaigns in an atmosphere free of any harassment and intimidation.

The Acceding Countries Bulgaria and Romania, the Candidate Countries Turkey and Croatia*, the Countries of the Stabilisation and Association Process and potential candidates Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Serbia and Montenegro, and the EFTA countries Liechtenstein and Norway, members of the European Economic Area, align themselves with this declaration.

* Croatia continues to be part of the Stabilisation and Association Process.