Oproep aan Turkije om door te gaan met hervormingen (en)

Met dank overgenomen van EUobserver (EUOBSERVER) i, gepubliceerd op maandag 7 maart 2005, 9:55.
Auteur: | By Honor Mahony

The European Union has issued a strong call to Turkey that it keep up its reform momentum ahead of the planned opening of EU membership talks in October.

"Turkey has done very bold and significant reforms to improve human rights, and it is understandable that there is a breathing phase," said Enlargement Commissioner Olli Rehn i after meeting Turkish Foreign Minister Abdullah Gül on Sunday (6 March).

"But it is extremely important Turkey keeps up the momentum in legal, political and increasingly economic reforms", he said adding that it is "especially" the implementation of reform that is so important.

Mr Rehn also called on Ankara to continue to strengthen minority and women's rights in all areas of the country, including the mainly Kurdish southeast.

"The work will have to go on, the reforms have to be consolidated and continued,'' he said.

"This means that we will continue monitoring and we will support the reform work done by Turkey to make the rule of law apply in all walks of life, in all areas of Turkey. This is a process, not a one-stop.''

Answering the call, Mr Gül stressed that Turkey was committed to reform.

"The reforms will continue. There is no end to the improvements, it's not just passing [the reforms] in parliament, implementation is important," he said.

The European Commission is planning to publish a framework for negotiations with Turkey by the end of June - it is set to outline all the measures it has to take before joining the 25-nation bloc.

Turkey secured the green light from EU membership during a summit in December to open talks later this year.

However, Mr Rehn's words follow fears in Brussels that, relieved at having been given a date to start talks, the government's drive for reform has slackened.

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