Hardrijders in buitenland krijgen bekeuring per post vanaf 2007 (en)

Met dank overgenomen van EUobserver (EUOBSERVER) i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 25 februari 2005, 9:55.
Auteur: | By Honor Mahony

Under rules agreed on Thursday (24 February), car drivers caught speeding in other member states will no longer will be able to rely on the safety of going home to avoid the fine.

EU justice ministers agreed that by 2007, speeding fines or other motoring penalties will now follow the misbehaving driver back to their own door-step.

For all penalties over 70 euro, member states will be legally bound to follow up unpaid fines if requested by another member state.

According to UK media, the aim of the agreement on mutual recognition of financial penalities was not specifically targeted at motorists.

It came after London requested EU action after a Swedish building firm failed to pay a fine levied in a British court for health and safety breaches.

The firm built the Ramsgate ferry passenger walkway which collapsed in 1994, killing six people and injuring seven.

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