Duitsland mag staatssteun geven voor innovatie op scheepswerven (en)

woensdag 16 februari 2005

The European Commission has approved a €27 million scheme in Germany to provide innovation aid to shipbuilding. The scheme is the first of its kind to be approved after the entry into force in January 2004 of the Commission's framework on state aid to shipbuilding (see IP/03/1607). The framework introduced revised rules on aid in support of innovation in the shipbuilding sector, in line with the goals of the Lisbon agenda, and more specifically the goals of the LeaderSHIP 2015 programme to improve the sector's competitiveness (see IP/03/1464).

Competition Commissioner Neelie Kroes commented: "Economic growth and higher employment will only result if we improve innovation in all areas of the Single Market. The aid proposed here by the German Government is exactly the kind of focussed, innovation-based aid that can bring real benefits to the European economy."

Under Germany's new scheme on innovation aid to shipbuilding, shipbuilders will be able to benefit from state aid in support of the industrial application of products and processes the implementation of which carries a risk of technological or industrial failure, and which are technologically new or represent a substantial improvement over the state of the art in the EU's shipbuilding industry . The aid can be up to 20% of the expenditure related to the innovative part of the project. Over the next four years, the German Federal Government has budgeted some €27 million for this purpose.

The scheme is the first of its kind after the entry into force on 1 January 2004 of the framework on state aid to shipbuilding. One of the objectives of the framework is to encourage greater efficiency and competitiveness, particularly through the promotion of innovation, of EU shipbuilding. Certain unique features of shipbuilding - such as short production series, the size, value and complexity of the products and the commercial use of prototypes - mean that this is currently the only sector eligible for innovation aid. The detailed conditions as to the application of the shipbuilding framework's provisions on innovation aid result from close co-operation between the Commission and European industry.

The Commission's positive approach to innovation aid, whilst continuing to take into account the need to minimize distortions of competition, fits into the larger policy context of the Lisbon strategy. Innovation aid falls within the framework of the LeaderSHIP 2015 initiative, which recommends improving investment in R&D and innovation to enhance the competitiveness of the European shipyards.