Spaanse kiezers krijgen bij stembus gratis "referendum-drankje" (en)

Met dank overgenomen van EUobserver (EUOBSERVER) i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 28 januari 2005, 9:42.
Auteur: | By Honor Mahony

The Spanish government is handing out a referendum drink in a bid to boost the turnout for next month's poll on the European Constitution.

The black, orange and silver cans of Referendum Plus says that it offers "energy to decide your future", and campaign posters claim it could change your life, according to Reuters.

More than 200,000 of the cans will be handed out at universities, cinemas and other venues ahead of the 20 February referendum, Spanish media said on Thursday.

The government has also undertaken other diverse measures such as handing out copies of the 460-article Constitution at football matches.

Spain will be the first country to have a referendum on the new EU charter, which has to be approved by all 25 member states before it can come into place.

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