Open vacature voor directeur EU-fraudebureau na druk van Van Buitenen (en)

woensdag 26 januari 2005

Paul van Buitenen heeft een succes geboekt in de procedure rond de benoeming van de nieuwe directeur-generaal van het Europese anti-fraudebureau OLAF. In december drong Van Buitenen bij de eurocommissaris Fraudebestrijding Siim Kallas aan op een open publicatie van de vacature. Hij vond dat Kallas de vacature bewust stil hield, zodat alleen hoge EU-functionarissen een kans maakten. Sollicitanten konden tot 20 januari reageren. (Bron: Spits, 19 januari 2005)

Kallas heeft alsnog besloten om de vacature openbaar te maken, omdat uit de interne sollicitatieronde te weinig respondenten kwamen. Hieronder volgt het persbericht.

The current mandate of Franz-Hermann Brüner as Director General of the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) will come to an end on 1st March 2005. In order to ensure the broadest possible participation, Siim Kallas, Vice-President responsible for Administrative affairs, Audit and Antifraud, has proposed that the Commission publish the vacancy notice in the Official Journal of the European Communities.

The job vacancy was initially advertised from 22nd December 2004 until 20th January 2005 to officials from all Institutions. Only one candidate applied.

In order to satisfy the OLAF regulation that asks the Commission to come with a list of candidates and in order to have a true and credible competition that allows to chose, it is now necessary to publish externally. Completing the selection procedure with only one candidate is not enough to give to the newly appointed DG sufficient mandate and credibility. Vice-President Kallas concludes that it is reasonable to take more time and widen the competition by publishing it also in the Official Journal and in major European newspapers.

The decision to publish the post externally was taken today by the College. According to the OLAF legal basis, the Commission appoints a Director for a term of 5 years which may be renewed once.e. The Commission shall, following a call for applications, draw up a list of suitably qualified candidates. Once the list of candidates is drawn up, the OLAF supervisory committee has to give its positive opinion. Then the European Parliament and the Council are consulted before the Commission proceeds with the appointment.