Franse staatssteun aan wijnboeren ("Rivesaltes" wijnen) gedeeltelijk ongeoorloofd (en)

woensdag 19 januari 2005

The European Commission adopted a partly positive and partly negative decision concerning aid granted by France for dealing with the sales crisis of "Rivesaltes" wines in the period 1996-2000. Aid for the promotion of "Rivesaltes and some of the aid for reconverting vineyards are found compatible with EU State aid rules. Aid paid per hectare to farmers who sold their product as table wine has been considered illegal.

In April 2003, the Commission opened a State aid procedure[1] on the implementation of the so-called "Plan Rivesaltes and CIVDN parafiscal taxes" (Comité interprofessionnel des vins doux naturels)

The Commission today closed the procedure by adopting a mixed decision on this State aid dossier:

  • Aid paid per hectare to farmers who sold their product as table wine instead of selling it under the "Rivesaltes" or "Grand Roussillon" denominations is found incompatible both with the wine market organisation and with state aid rules and will have to be recovered (amount not known).
  • Aid towards reconverting vineyards is found compatible, except for payments above an intensity of 30% and/or ca € 5.000 per hectare, which will have to be recovered.
  • Aid granted until 2000 for the promotion of "Rivesaltes" and other CDO wines is found compatible with State aid rules.

[1] see OJ C 82 of 5.4.2003, p.2