Onenigheid tussen milieuministers over gen-voedsel (en)

Met dank overgenomen van EUobserver (EUOBSERVER) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 21 december 2004, 9:37.
Auteur: | By Lisbeth Kirk

Europe remains deeply divided over the safety of genetically modified (GM) food after Environment Ministers on Monday (20 December) failed the approve the introduction of a Monsanto GM oilseed rape, called GT73, which has been modified to resist Monsanto's own chemical herbicide.

Neither the ministers opposed to the GMO nor those in favour achieved the necessary qualified majority to decide on the application. This leaves the final decision to approve GT73 to the European Commission.

"It will go back to the Commission now, probably in January, and the Commission has to approve it", an official told Reuters.

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) had given the new oilseed rape a positive opinion.

But Eric Gall of Greenpeace said, "This oil-seed rape cannot be qualified as safe given the insufficient data provided. Any approval for GT73 would be like giving an award to a company for disregarding safety standards".

If approved by the Commission it will be the third GMO to be authorised since the EU restarted approving new GMO products for import in May 2004.

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