Bulgarije, Roemenië en Kroatië kunnen vooruitzien naar lidmaatschap EU (en)

Met dank overgenomen van EUobserver (EUOBSERVER) i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 17 december 2004, 18:35.
Auteur: | By Honor Mahony

EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS - During a meeting dominated by possible Union membership for Turkey, EU leaders have also given the final green light for membership in 2007 to Bulgaria and Romania.

Member states agreed on Friday (13 December) that the accession treaties, the documents outlining the final terms of membership for both countries, should be signed in April.

Membership of the Union will be on 1 January, 2007.

However, the EU will continue to monitor both countries closely - particularly Romania which only finished negotiating the last chapters of legislation last week.

For Bulgaria, the legislation chapter on justice and home affairs is singled out as an area that needs to be watched closely, while justice and home affairs, competition and environment is singled out for special attention for Romania.

Similarly, for both countries, safeguard clauses may be applied before they become members and for three years after they become members in case they fall back on commitments.

While Sophia and Bucharest are to sign their accession treaties in April - another country will open negotiations with the EU the month before

Croatia's indictee

"Provided that there is full co-operation" with The Hague war crimes tribunal (ICTY)Croatia will open talks with the EU on 17 March.

However, the green light has conditions attached.

EU leaders "urged Croatia to take the necessary steps for full co-operation with ICTY and reiterated that the remaining indictee must be located and transferred to The Hague as soon as possible", says a statement after the summit.

This refers to the indicted general Ante Gotovina, the UN court's third most wanted fugitive.

Gotovina disappeared the day before the tribunal made public his indictment, in July 2001, and has not been found since.

He is indicted for killings during and after Zagreb's final offensive against rebel Serbs in August 1995 - but is regarded by many Croats as a war hero.

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