Voorman Europese sociaaldemocraten waarschuwt Turkije voor verbod lerarenvakbond (en)

Met dank overgenomen van EUobserver (EUOBSERVER) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 7 december 2004, 9:57.
Auteur: | By Lisbeth Kirk

If Turkish courts at the end of this week (10 December) rule in favour of dissolving the Turkish teachers union, it could affect the country's path to the EU, the chairman of the European Social Democrats, Poul Nyrup Rasmussen, has warned.

The union, known as the Egitim Sem, has committed itself to defending the right to education in one's mother tongue.

If the case brought against Egitim Sen is not dismissed, the EU heads of states at their summit 17 December should not commit themselves to opening negotiations with Turkey, said Mr Nyrup Rasmussen, according to Danish media.

Ankara's second Labour Court rejected a case for the closure of the union in September because it defends the right of education in one's mother tongue, but the Attorney General of Ankara has appealed against the decision.

To become a member of the European Union, Turkey must full fill the so-called Copenhagen Criteria.

Adopted in 1993 by EU leaders, the criteria include a commitment to secure "stability of institutions guaranteeing democracy, the rule of law, human rights and respect for and protection of minorities".

"In my opinion this case must be solved before negotiations with Turkey on EU membership can get started. The Turkish government must get this solved as soon as possible", Mr Nyrup Rasmussen, a former Danish Prime Minister, said to Jyllands-Posten.

The Egitim Sem is the largest Turkish trade union with an estimated 200,000 members.

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