Franse socialisten stemmen tijdens interne partijraadpleging over EU-grondwet (en)

Met dank overgenomen van EUobserver (EUOBSERVER) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 1 december 2004, 9:47.
Auteur: | By Richard Carter

EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS - Members of the Socialist party in France will vote today (1 December) to decide what position the party will take on the European Constitution.

All 127,027 members of the party are eligible to vote tonight in their local federations.

The vote is won by a simple majority and should be announced some time early tomorrow morning (2 December).

Members will be asked, "Do you agree with the European Constitution" and will be invited to reply simply "yes" or "no".

The polls are pointing to a narrow win for the "yes" camp.

An IPSOS survey of socialist members yesterday in French daily Le Figaro showed that 62 percent of socialist sympathisers are in favour of the European Constitution and that 65 percent hope for a "yes" vote.

But neither camp is claiming victory or admitting defeat. The party leader and main campaigner for a "yes" vote, Francois Hollande has said, "nothing is yet decided" and his main opponent, Laurent Fabius, the deputy leader believes, "it's very open", according to the French press.

Whatever the result, it will be closely watched by French President Jacques Chirac and around Europe. A "yes" vote will undoubtedly boost the chances of a French "yes" to the Constitution, whereas a "no" vote could tip the balance the other way.

The result will also have profound consequences for the Socialist party itself.

Pundits are already saying that if the "no" camp wins, Mr Fabius, and not Mr Hollande, is likely to represent the Socialists at the next Presidential election, expected in 2007.

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