EU zoekt voorzichtig toenadering tot Wit-Rusland (en)

Met dank overgenomen van EUobserver (EUOBSERVER) i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 19 november 2004, 9:54.
Auteur: | By Andrew Beatty

EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS - EU Foreign Ministers will next week offer Belarus the prospect of a "gradual development of bilateral relations" if concrete moves are taken toward democratisation.

Foreign Ministers, who meet in Brussels on Monday (22 November), will call on President Lukashenko's government to "reverse their present policies and to embark on fundamental democratic and economic reforms", according to a draft statement.

In return the EU is offering increased trade and political ties as part of its European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP).

The prospect for Belarusian participation in the ENP has been on the table for some time, however, the statement looks set to offer a more gradual, bit-by-bit approach to developing ties.

It also comes after elections and a referendum which international observers say were deeply flawed.

The three-page text furthermore, sets out a series of concrete measures to help strengthen democrats in the country among them "directly and indirectly" supporting "democratic forces" and promoting closer EU integration "to the Belarusian population at large".

As recently threatened, the EU will also extend its visa ban against "officials directly responsible for the fraudulent elections and referendum".

No representation in Minsk

However, fearing current policies are isolating Belarus further and having little effect in encouraging opposition movements, some officials pressed for greater engagement and more concrete measures.

Poland had pressed for the Commission to look into the possibility of opening an EU representation in Minsk and for the EU to build ties with medium level national, regional and local authorities.

Both proposals where rejected, however members states did agree to "make use" of the OSCE's offices in Minsk.

They also agreed to limit contacts with the authorities but left open the possibility of cross-border cooperation.

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