Europees Parlement zal plenaire stemming houden over Turks lidmaatschap EU (en)

Met dank overgenomen van EUobserver (EUOBSERVER) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 4 november 2004, 20:26.
Auteur: | By Andrew Beatty

EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS - In spite of deep divisions, the European Parliament is set to hold a vote on Turkey's bid to become a member of the EU.

Speaking to journalists during a meeting of EU heads of government, Parliament President Josep Borrell announced his decision to hold a vote and travel to Turkey to deliver the verdict, whichever way it goes.

His announcement raises the possibility of traveling to Ankara to tell the Turkish government that the Parliament opposes opening membership talks.

The Parliament is deeply divided on the issue of Turkey's membership with many MEPs from the chamber's largest - the EPP Christian Democrat and conservative - faction staunchly opposed to opening accession negotiations.

Parliamentarians will vote on a report authored by EPP member Camiel Eurlings.

Mr Borrell said that the vote would come ahead of a Council decision on opening negotiations in December.

The European Commission last month recommended that the Council approve a quick start to talks with Ankara.

"We need a lively European debate", Mr Borrell said.

The President said that it was right that the EU's only directly elected body expressed its opinion.

The decision comes just weeks after the parliament put on a substantial show of strength, by threatening to vote down the proposed college of Commissioners.

A vote on Turkey is expected on 2 December.

Mr Borrell said that he would travel to Ankara the day after the vote.

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