Brussel speculeert over meerdere wijzigingen in nieuwe Europese Commissie (en)

Met dank overgenomen van EUobserver (EUOBSERVER) i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 29 oktober 2004, 9:55.
Auteur: | By Honor Mahony

José Manuel Durao Barroso may make several changes to his Commission team, he indicated on Thursday.

Speaking to French radio, the incoming Commission President said "I cannot accept a Commissioner, who will definitely have problems with the European Parliament".

He then went on to say that he was sure that the restructuring of the Commission would concern "much less than eight, ten" of the Commissioners.

The institutional crisis sparked by Wednesday's decision not to put the team of Commissioners to a vote in the Parliament because it was likely that it would get rejected, is set to overshadow a meeting of EU leaders in Rome today.

Originally, they were there just for the formal signing of the European Constitution. Now, however, Mr Barroso will have to see a compromise can be found on reshuffling his team - and to what extent it needs to be reshuffled.

Five Commissioners have come in for strong criticism by MEPs - but the whole affair was sparked off by the Italian Rocco Buttiglione.

Until now, the Italian government has stood by him because it would mean a humiliating climb down for Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi if Mr Buttiglione has to go - it would also have severe repercussions for the coalition government.

However, some rumours suggest that Italian foreign minister Franco Frattini may be chosen instead - or that the highly respected current Italian Commissioner Mario Monti will stay on in Brussels after all.

It is also very likely that Hungarian Commissioner Laszlo Kovacs - deemed professionally incompetent by a committee in the Parliament - will have to go.

Other Commissioners up for criticism are the Dutch Commissioner Neelie Kroes and the Danish Commissioner Mariann Fischer Boel - both for conflicts of interests allegations; and the Latvian Ingrida Udre, whose political party is under investigation for corruption.

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