Rocco Buttiglione weigert om kandidatuur in te trekken (en)

Met dank overgenomen van EUobserver (EUOBSERVER) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 27 oktober 2004, 9:56.
Auteur: | By Honor Mahony

Rocco Buttiglione, the controversial Italian Commissioner at the centre of the power struggle between the European Parliament and the member states, has decided to brazen out a vote today despite a request from the Italian government to re-consider.

According to several Italian newspapers, Silvio Berlusconi asked Mr Buttiglione to step aside but the would-be Commissioner said he would rather wait for a crucial vote later today.

Corriere della Sera reports that Mr Berlusconi did not make a formal request but rather suggested that Mr Buttiglione step aside in a "noble gesture" to avoid a crisis in Europe.

The paper reports that, after a period of reflection, Mr Buttiglione refused.

MEPs will vote later this morning on whether to approve the new team of Commissioners under José Manuel Durao Barroso.

Still too close to predict, the chances of a no vote were raised after no solutions were offered yesterday to pull both sides out of the impasse.

The new Commission is supposed to take office on 1 November.

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