Europese Commissie stelt stemming over beleid nabuurschap even uit (en)

Met dank overgenomen van EUobserver (EUOBSERVER) i, gepubliceerd op maandag 25 oktober 2004, 17:42.
Auteur: | By Andrew Beatty

EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS - The European Commission will tomorrow delay the adoption of its landmark European Neighbourhood agreements, passing the issue onto the Barroso Commission, it has emerged.

The so-called "joint action plans" with Israel, Jordan, Moldova, Morocco, Palestine, Tunisia and Ukraine will not be voted on by Commissioners when they meet tomorrow in Luxembourg.

The plans, part of the EU's European Neighbourhood Policy, were on the agenda for this week, as well as last week, but officials are citing technical difficulties for the delay, a delay which will mean that the issue is likely to be taken up by the next Commission.

"We will need more time", Commission spokesperson Jean Christophe Filori said on Monday (25 October), adding, "It is important that we get a good quality product".

Diplomats say that disagreements with Israel over the wording of a clause on Weapons of Mass Destruction are holding up the talks, as well as disagreements over the Middle East Peace Process.

"If this becomes an endless struggle we will go forward with the other plans", said one source.

Other diplomats cite problems with Morocco and Ukraine, although Israel appears to be the major stumbling block.

The EU is pushing for Tel Aviv to sign up to a non-proliferation clause of weapons of mass destruction.

But with Syria, Palestine and others looking closely at the wording in the document, talks with other countries may be affected by the disagreement with Israel.

"[The negotiations with Israel] could have an impact on the plans for others, for example the Palestinians" one source said.

On Monday neither side was able to say when fresh talks would take place.

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