Europese Commissie wil nieuwe EU-crisiscentrum voor terroristische aanvallen (en)

Met dank overgenomen van EUobserver (EUOBSERVER) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 21 oktober 2004, 9:45.
Auteur: | By Honor Mahony

EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS - The European Commission has proposed setting up an emergency crisis centre to deal specifically with terrorist attacks in the European Union.

This centre would "bring together representatives of all relevant Commission services during an emergency", says the proposal - one of a series of anti-terrorism measures published by the Commission on Wednesday (20 October).

It is also proposed that a general rapid alert system, to be named after the multi-eyed Greek God Argus, be set up to link all of the specialised emergencies systems that can be found in the various member states.

"Certain emergency situations may be of such gravity ... that overall coordination across virtually all EU policies is necessary", says the paper.

The Brussels executive also recommends that at least one billion euro a year is spent on research on security in the EU.

Energy, communications, health, food and transport are among those "critical infrastructures" that are at increased risk of "catastrophic terrorist attacks".

Madrid attacks

Referring specifically to the biggest terrorist attack on European soil, the Madrid attack in March, the paper says that support to the victims and families of terrorist attacks must be "an integral part of the response".

"The Commission intends to contribute to honouring the memories of the victims of the 11 March 2004 outrage, through the ceremonies to be held on the 1st European day of the victims of terrorism, on 11 March 2005".

That date is also to become a general day for having "civic and democratic" debates on securing freedom.


On the financing of terrorism, the Brussels executive suggests stepping up its scrutiny of charities - an area where it is thought a substantial chunk of the money that eventually ends up in terrorists hands is channelled.

"Many such organisations raise money destined for conflict zones. Once money arrives in such areas, the ability to rely on international co-operation, in order to trace its destination, is much reduced", says the paper.

Where does this all fit in

The proposals - four separate communications by the European Commission - will be presented on Monday to EU justice ministers.

However, the Council and the EU's anti-terrorism co-ordinator Gijs de Vries also have to propose measures - which will eventually go to EU leaders for approval.

If and when such proposals see the light of day is up to member states.

"It's up to them to say whether it's a first priority", said a Commission official on Wednesday.

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