Onvrede binnen socialisten in EP inzake Barroso's houding na de hoorzitting van Buttiglione (en)

Met dank overgenomen van EUobserver (EUOBSERVER) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 14 oktober 2004, 18:12.
Auteur: | By Honor Mahony

EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS - The second biggest group in the European Parliament has said it will vote against the new European Commission in two weeks if its demands concerning the incoming team are not met.

The leaders of the Socialists Martin Schulz said that if nothing was done about the disputed Commissioner, Rocco Buttiglione, who in the dock for his views on gays and women, he "will propose that the Socialist Group vote against confirmation of the new Commission".

The group is looking for Mr Buttiglione, who has been nominated to be in charge of justice and home affairs - set to be one of the biggest portfolios in the coming years - to be given a different area of responsibility.


Mr Schulz also castigated incoming Commission President José Manuel Durao Barroso for letting his views on his team be known via the media.

"It is not acceptable to us that Mr Barroso should make statements to the media concerning Parliament's views without speaking to us beforehand".

"It indicates a lot as to his future willingness to co-operate with the European Parliament", said Mr Schulz.

Mr Schulz then said he would "take the initiative" and call for a meeting with Mr Barroso.

Real effect?

Formally, however, Mr Barroso is due to meet the political leaders of the various groups only next Thursday (21 October) to discuss how to proceed - particularly as other nominees, including the Latvian Ingrida Udre and the Hungarian Laszlo Kovacs, have also met with strong criticism.

However, Mr Schulz's words will only have real practical effect if more MEPs come round to the Socialists way of thinking to make a majority to vote against the whole of the Commission on 27 October.

If Mr Barroso does choose to keep his team as it is, and a large number of MEPs vote against it, it will get his new Commission off to a rough start.

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