Verzet tegen plannen voor asielkampen in Noord-Afrika (en)

Met dank overgenomen van EUobserver (EUOBSERVER) i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 1 oktober 2004, 9:35.
Auteur: | By Andrew Beatty

The EU remains divided on plans to create camps in North Africa where those seeking asylum will have their applications processed.

German interior minister Otto Schily is expected to present the controversial plans to his EU counterparts today (1 October) at an informal meeting in Scheveningen, the Netherlands.

Although details of the plans are still not clear, many delegations have voiced scepticism about the proposals.

Swedish minister for migration and asylum policy Barbro Holmberg on Thursday rejected the idea as creating more problems than solutions.

"Our borders must remain open for asylum seekers while closed to illegal immigrants. Sending back asylum seekers to camps is not relevant. I believe reception camps create bigger problems than they solve", she said, according to Dagens Nyheter.

Spanish interior minister José Antonio Alonso also voiced his concerns over the human rights implications of the plans.

"Europe cannot allow itself to make a moral, judicial or political backwards step", he said according to EFE.

The French government is also said to oppose the idea.

However, the plan has received backing from the Italian and UK delegations who are keen to stop the flow of migrants across the Mediterranean.

It is not known whether the plans would mean potential asylum seekers would be detained or what recourse they would have to legal advice.

Human Rights groups have also voiced concerns over the human rights situation in some of the countries cited as potential locations.

Although Libya, Morocco and Ukraine have been floated as possible locations, it appears Libya is the only willing host.

Morocco has rejected the idea, and rumours that there are also plans to set up such camps in Ukraine were met with anger earlier this week by Kiev, which said it had not been consulted.

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