Steun voor EU-grondwet groeit in Frankrijk (en)

Met dank overgenomen van EUobserver (EUOBSERVER) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 30 september 2004, 9:42.
Auteur: | By Richard Carter

Almost two thirds of people would vote `yes' if a referendum on the Constitution were held tomorrow in France, according to a new poll.

The `yes' vote has grown by four points since a similar poll in mid-September.

The survey - conducted by Ipsos for Le Point newspaper - shows that 64 percent of people would vote in favour of the Constitutional Treaty, compared to 60 percent who expressed this view in mid-September.

The `no' vote has consequently slipped four points - from 40 percent down to 36 percent.

Splits in the Socialist party do not appear to have affected the strength of support for the text amongst Socialist voters, 62 percent of which say they would vote `yes'.

But the French people are split on the consequences of a `no' vote.

If France did vote `no', 43 percent of people believe it would be a serious hurdle towards European integration, whereas 42 percent of people disagree.

Although French President Jacques Chirac has promised a referendum on the Constitution, no date has yet been set for the vote.

IPSOS interviewed 932 people between 24-25 September.

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