Ook Franse minister van Buitenlandse Zaken Barnier voorstander van referendum over toetreding Turkije (en)

Met dank overgenomen van EUobserver (EUOBSERVER) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 28 september 2004, 9:23.
Auteur: | By Richard Carter

French foreign minister Michel Barnier has added his weight to calls for a referendum on Turkey's entry into the EU.

Speaking yesterday (27 September), Mr Barnier said, "When it comes to such an important decision, in my personal opinion, it should be put ... to a referendum when the time comes".

This follows similar calls from influential finance minister Nicolas Sarkozy, whom many believe is in line for the President's job.

Mr Barnier also reminded people of a precedent, saying, "we did it for the UK". In a referendum on the entry of the UK, Ireland and Denmark in 1972, France voted to allow these three countries to join the bloc by a two-thirds majority.

But polls show that similar support is not forthcoming for the admission of Turkey.

A survey in Le Figaro showed that just over one in three (36 percent) French people are in favour of Turkey joining the EU but over half (56 percent) are against.

Despite this, 63 percent say they would be prepared to accept Turkey as a member if it makes the necessary efforts.

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The Commission has declared that the organisation of a referendum on Ankara's EU membership is a matter for member states.

Commission spokesman Reijo Kemppinen said yesterday, "if a member state wants to organise a referendum, on whatever subject, this is up to its own discretion. We have no comment on it".

Meanwhile, the deadline for the Commission to present its report on Turkey is looming. The Brussels executive will give its opinion on whether to start negotiations with Turkey on 6 October.

EU leaders will then take the final decision at a summit on 17 December.

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