Belgische premier Verhofstadt slachtoffer auto-ongeluk (en)

Met dank overgenomen van EUobserver (EUOBSERVER) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 22 september 2004, 9:07.
Auteur: | By Richard Carter

Belgian Prime Minister Guy Verhofstadt has been rushed to hospital after his car crashed last night (21 September).

According to agency reports, the accident took place at approximately 22:00 near the Belgian city of Ghent, where he lives.

Mr Verhofstadt's chaffeur-driven Audi is said to have hit a concrete block and spun several times. Both he and the driver were then rushed to hospital.

But neither man's life is in danger, according to a police spokesman. Mr Verhofstadt was already fit enough to talk to police about the incident.

He has however suffered several bruises and other minor injuries.

"The Prime Minister has a few contusions but remained conscious", a spokesman told La Libre Belgique - a Belgian daily.

A police inquiry has been launched.

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