EU waarschuwt voor consequenties onregelmatigheden bij referendum in Wit-Rusland (en)

Met dank overgenomen van EUobserver (EUOBSERVER) i, gepubliceerd op maandag 13 september 2004, 17:20.
Auteur: | By Andrew Beatty

EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS - The EU today warned that foul play in Belarus' forthcoming referendum "cannot remain without its consequences" for the country's relations with the EU.

According to a draft declaration which comes ahead of the 17 October referendum, the EU expressed its "serious and well grounded concerns" about the fairness of the vote.

The vote is expected to pave the way for a change in Belarus' Constitution, allowing President Aleksandr Lukashenko to remain in power.

The EU today called on the Lukashenko government to engage with opposition parties and implement electoral reforms before any vote takes place.

"The state of democracy, rule of law and human rights in Belarus is deteriorating", the EU-25 said in a draft statement, citing the closure of independent newspapers.

Although some in the EU favour imposing targeted sanctions on Belarussian officials including visa bans and asset freezes, backing for such a move would not be unanimous.

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