Zaak klokkenluider Marta Andreasen behandeld in oktober (en)

Met dank overgenomen van EUobserver (EUOBSERVER) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 9 september 2004, 17:50.
Auteur: | By Mihaela Gherghisan

The Prodi Commission is to decide on measures to take against whistleblower and former Chief Accountant Marta Andreasen before the end of its term, it has emerged.

The disciplinary board investigating the case of the Commission accountant turned whistleblower is to meet this week and decide what recommendations to make to the European Commissioners.

The board is headed by former Court of First Instance President José Luis da Cruz Vilaça.

The other four members of this board are two representatives of the European Commission officials and two representatives of the staff union.

Sources told EUobserver that these recommendations could be to sack or even punish Ms Andreasen.

Ms Andreasen was suspended mid-2002 after revealing that the Commission's accounting system is widely open to fraud.

The disciplinary procedures against her were launched two years later, in March this year.

Marta Andreasen is being accused of breaching EU staff regulations by publicly revealing her findings.

But Ms Andreasen has complained about the fact that the disciplinary board is hearing her case under the new staff regulations, which entered into force last May, after the events took place.

The new rules could favour the Commission as they give it additional rights to obtain legal advice during a disciplinary procedure.

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