Zweedse eurosceptici willen deelnemen aan parlementsverkiezingen van september 2006 (en)
Auteur: | By Lisbeth Kirk
A leading member of Swedish eurosceptic party, the Junelist, has aired ideas to present a new party in the national elections in Sweden to be held in September 2006.
Under the working title `Septemberlistan' the new party might run in the elections - if no referendum on the EU Constitution is allowed in Sweden.
The new party intends to add pressure on the Swedish political parties to allow a referendum on the Constitution - an idea currently opposed by a large majority in the Swedish Parliament.
But the next Swedish parliament to be elected in September 2006 will have the final say on the EU Constitution.
"Then we will be in the same situation as before the EU elections, we have a large group of political homeless voters", the leader of the Junelist Nils Lundgren said in an interview to Folkbladet.
The Junelist took Sweden by surprise by winning three seats in the European Parliament in the June elections on a eurosceptic ticket.