Zweedse socialisten verdeeld over EU-grondwet (en)

Met dank overgenomen van EUobserver (EUOBSERVER) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 31 augustus 2004, 9:05.
Auteur: | By Lisbeth Kirk

Local members of the ruling Swedish Social Democrat party in Malmö last night (30 August) revolted against their party leaders and joined calls for a Swedish referendum on the EU Constitution.

The discussion was prompted by a proposal from the youth branch of the party and the argument was won by a majority of just one vote.

The issue will now be taken to a level higher in the internal party structures, when a regional party conference of Social Democrats in Skåne, Southern Sweden in November will discuss the issue, according to Svenska Dagbladet.

The vote in Malmö has come as a welcome gift to the Swedish eurosceptic Junemovement, which is today (1 September) starting a nine-day campaign tour through the country calling for a referendum.

So far, 60,000 Swedes have signed up to the call for a referendum on the EU Constitution via a cross-party network calling itself Referendum Now.

Swedish Prime Minister Goran Persson and a majority in the Parliament have, however, refused to hold a referendum on the future EU Constitution. Only the Swedish Green Party and the Left Party are in favour of having one.

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