Weerstand in het Vaticaan bij heiligverklaring EU-grondlegger Jean Monnet (en)

Met dank overgenomen van EUobserver (EUOBSERVER) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 19 augustus 2004, 9:59.
Auteur: | By Honor Mahony

There is strong resistance in the Vatican to the drive for beatification of the founder of the EU, Robert Schuman, the Daily Telegraph reports.

The paper reports that investigators under the diocese of Metz have been combing through the life of the French politician to see whether he merits the title of "blessed Robert" - the first step to sainthood.

Mr Schuman became known as the founder of the EU after his 'Schuman plan' which was the basis of the European Steel and Coal Community - and which seven years later became the European Community.

However, to date, the Metz investigators have found no evidence of miracles - a prerequisite for beatification.

"We need a miracle and we haven't been able to find one," he said.

"All we have is the construction of Europe after the war and Rome does not accept that as a real miracle", said Jean Moes, the leader of the enquiry.

A private group in Metz, the St Benoit institute, is behind the push for the Frenchman's beatification.

It is supported in its aim by French President Jacques Chirac, says the Telegraph.

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