Nieuwe eurocommissaris Letland heeft 'gezonde euroscepsis' (en)

Met dank overgenomen van EUobserver (EUOBSERVER) i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 6 augustus 2004, 9:02.
Auteur: | By Richard Carter

The new Latvian Commissioner, Ingrida Udre, has declared herself to have a "healthy euroscepticism" as she is nominated in place of former foreign minister Sandra Kalniete.

Ms Udre campaigned on a eurosceptic ticket for the 2002 elections.

And her appointment has stirred up political turmoil in Latvia, where one of the coalition parties - the People's Party - has threatened to pull out of the government after Ms Kalniete was pushed aside.

Ms Udre herself comes from the Greens and Farmers party, the same party as Lativan Prime Minister Indulis Emsis.

"My strength is economic education, experience in finances, tax system, also in parliamentary work", Ms Udre told Latvian daily Neatkariga Rita Avize yesterday.

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