Belgische minister voor toelating Marokko tot EU (en)

Met dank overgenomen van EUobserver (EUOBSERVER) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 5 augustus 2004, 9:26.
Auteur: | By Richard Carter

The EU should "turn towards the Mediterranean countries, especially Morocco", according to the new Belgian Europe Minister, Didier Donfut.

In an interview with Belgian daily La Libre Belgique, Mr Donfut said, "The union, as a community of values, should also turn towards the Mediterranean countries, especially Morocco, even if this goes beyond the historical European geographical limits".

He continued, "As in all fields of human exploration - whether it be in science or in art - one always has to push out the boundaries".

And he issued a strong plea for Turkey, saying, "To deprive ourselves of Turkey, which has its place on the international board, which has an economic role to play and which embraces two world cultures would be a grave strategic error".

In December, EU heads of state and government have to decide whether or not to start talks with Ankara "without delay", a deal agreed in 2002.

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