'Verheugen gevraagd als nieuwe commissaris voor industrie' (en)

Met dank overgenomen van EUobserver (EUOBSERVER) i, gepubliceerd op maandag 2 augustus 2004, 9:01.
Auteur: | By Honor Mahony

The new commission president has offered the next German commissioner, Günter Verheugen, the industry portfolio - short of what Berlin had hoped for.

According to German news magazine Focus, José Manuel Durao Barroso has suggested that Mr Verheugen, who is currently responsible for enlargement, be moved to industry from November.

This falls short of the influential economic post that German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder had been pushing for.

Instead, the big posts, such as competition and internal market, are expected to go the new French and British commissioners.

"That is a lightweight commissioner and falls well below our expectations" said CSU economics expert Hans Michelbach, to Focus, about the industry commissioner.

For his part, Mr Barroso has said he will present his team of 24 commissioners with their portfolios by the week beginning 23 August at the latest.

He has already made clear that he does not want any first and second class commissioners on his team and has called for at least eight women.

He had also called on member states to make his job easier by proposing more than one candidate from which he can choose.

However, all governments to date have just put forward one name and the Portuguese is struggling to get eight women commissioners.

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