Zweedse bevolking verdeeld over wenselijkheid referendum EU-Grondwet (en)

Met dank overgenomen van EUobserver (EUOBSERVER) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 8 juli 2004, 9:46.
Auteur: | By Luise Hemmer Pihl

Half of Swedes would like a referendum on the EU Constitution, according to a poll by TEMO, while 44 percent say the Swedish parliament should decide.

According to Dagens Nyheter, 71 percent in Swedish No to EU party favour a referendum while pro-EU parties want the Riksdag, which has a pro-EU majority, to decide.

The poll questioned 1969 people and the results were presented on Wednesday (7 July) during the traditional Almedal political debate week in Visby, Gotland.

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